Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Truce Broken!

Well, in merely a single day after peace was achieved, the Truce was broken! The Bear has violated the agreement by attacking furiously. Another down of 3.7% with a low of 4%. Asian market will follow suit. Further more, today is Friday, over-night holders will be languishing all thier holdings. So expect a blood shed market day. Those who has enter market should just leave and not looking at the market today, otherwise your blood pressure will go higher high! Hence, stock market is like roller coaster, it goes high and low in just second. So stay away, if your heart cant take it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Truce!

A Truce is defined as temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive actions. Ceasefires may be declared as part of a formal treaty, but they have also been called as part of an informal understanding between opposing forces. An armistice is a formal agreement to end fighting.

Hah! based on the definition above, it is best describe the market situation yesterday. but bear in mind it is a TRUCE not ARMISTICE ie the bull and bear has not signed any treaty to stop fighting. Both side is merely take a rest to restocking preparing for the next warfare. You agree with me?

So who is the winner in round 1? Pretty obvious, the bulls! The fear in the bears would have been subdue a little, as speed of them throwing bullet wastefully out of fear came down. The bulls neither were able to march further as the they could sense that the bears have wake up and giving good fight, and hence the fear is retreating! with the balance of force now, how do you predict the what will happend in round 2!

As the propensity model suggest, equity market is where the highest % of wealth is kept in the world, should continue to move up, so long as the negative news flow is controlled properly. The study of macro economic factors are not meaningful anymore at the current century as we all already know that the most of the Developed Nation is in different forms of trouble. Hence in the world economic growth equation, so long as as the Developed Nations remain constant it will be big plus already. What i can see is, the market refuse to fully factor in economic bad shape of the US and Europe till blood is seen in streets. In short, investors are already aware of all the negative economic parameters, some how choose to ignore so long as they have not seen them with own pair of eyes and hear them with ears. Hence, so long as you controlled what investor see and hear, market is deem ok. After all, do you think the rich has a choice! Prices of commodity, gold, property (in Asia), agriculutural products or even antique have gone up so much in these couple of years, where else to put thier money.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Profit Taking

DJI shown some profit taking last night from the last three days on strong rebound. Obama administration should be working hard to contain the current short term positive rebound on sentiment in the market. I dont think there is any negative news to be released in the next two to three weeks. NO news means Good news generally thats how the market perceives. Plus points will be tell tale that QE3 is forth coming, then the 3rd dose of market steroid will be lift the market next level.


Monday, August 15, 2011

All Stars are Alligned?

As highlighted before last week, the market shack-up due to US credit rating downgrade give us a excellent trading opportunity. Posted above are 4 recent charts. DJI and and oil price has rebounded for the last three trading days. Sign of sentiment improvement. Gold price is in the verge of retreating, sign of money flowing back to equity in short term. VIX is also retreating confirms the change of trends. So geared up and get into the market so you wish at your own risk.

But bear in mind, this is just a short term opportunity. The overall global economy is gloomy. I cannot comprehend how could the rising the debt ceiling will solve the US's economic situation. Hence, the root cause is still not up-rooted instead getting deeper. Lets observe and get out of market before the market tank again. It can be weeks or months.

Happy Trading.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Local Scene - Update

Wow, KLCI has gone lower of last Friday low! So no action yet. Stay put and watch.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Local Scene

KLCI has presented a trading opportunity despite all criticism going around. KLCI show an divergence outlook during the Apr - July period. KLCI scored a new high in July but not RSI. Market tanked for three weeks already. Extreme Fear condition also give rise to oversold of equity in short term. The gap down hammer last Friday is interesting. A classical example of bull and bear is in a fight within a single day. As usual, the programmed sale is executed fast in the early trade, but the greedy side of market emerged so furious to load up from the low of market. As smart investors, you should buy only after the gap is closed. you should trade only when edge is on your side.

Global Recession 2012

Negative news has been going around the world for the last two weeks. Take a look at the US market. For the last two trading weeks, Dow has corrected more than 10% for its peak with extreme high volume only seen during the global recession 3 years ago. US economic problem is getting into cronic situation. well what is taking stage in the US is "EGO". If you screwed-up, confess and take the paint and move on. Instead of taking the boring and conventional move (ie to deleverage its debts be it public or private) the US had choosen to inject the half dead body with another dose of deadly steriod to extend it economic life without taking a back seat to rebuild its immunisation.

QE1 & QE2, possibly QE3....these are all short term measures to the economic health. But what choice does the US has? Do you are damn, dont you are damn. Just google the google the gobal recession 2012, i m sure thousand of listing. The follow through is mounting. Fear among investors is building up typically a 10% correction in major market. As market situation is always exaggerated by news spread sporadically. with the advent of internet technology, news spreads, whether rightly or wrongly even faster than light speed. the interesting is, during bad time, investor will only focus on the negative points, positive points are ignore. Hence, market could collapse faster than you think.

Besides VIX, another best measure of fear factor in the market is Gold price.

The Gold price has doubled since 3 years ago. Probably you are aware, investemnt communities do not believe in investing in gold as it does not produce income, worst is you need to incur cost to safe keep gold. Seriouly, i believe a lot of activities has been going around to promote gold and instead of the everlasting believe that US will continue to grow. Hence, gold price always has inverse relationship equity market. why would for the last three years both have direct relationship. Interesting. for me is simple, really money has gone in the gold, where as the excess money (ie money not earned from productive acitivities has gone in the world equity market). Equity market has been pushed up artificially. Investors are not worry after all, those money are free. Hence, printing more money is theoritically boost the economy in short term but you cant control where will the money goes to. As there was no real fundamental supporting the upsurge of equity market for the last three years, the equity market has an artificial market height. It will be disasterous fall when the equity buble is prick.

Hence put your money in where real money reside. A lot of people think that Asia is going through Real Estate bubble. It is a yes to a certain extend as the demand for property has suddenly surge while supply side take times. But atleast these are real money. How do i know those are real money? Well quick money will not be put in property as the turnaround time is long. So long as the US economy does not recover in real manner, the property bubble will continue to hold. The major pressumption is the young demographic population in emerging asia. Should there is correction in property market, it would be temporary in nature. Eventually, with the growing population with concentration of urbanisation, it is a pillar to the price surge in property market. Just compare the population in Tokyo, New York, London to Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok. There is tremendous opportunity.