Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Who and Who in the European Debt Crisis

For the last six month, the financial world has been focusing on the development of the debt crisis expulsion in Europe. If you pick up any financial daily, there is news related to that almost everyday. It started with economist making noise that the the debt to GDP ratio in certain European countries are at the unsustainable level and has been warning on the melt down on the credit market as some of Greece's debts are due for repayment. As the more and more European leaders coming in the scene, a lot of new names, which never cross our mind start surface. As i read the financial daily, sometime was confused who is who and where they are from. Listed below are important names we need to know:

1. Angela Dorothea Merkel - Chancellor of German
2. Nicolas Sarkozy - France President
3. David Cameron - UK Prime Minister
4. Silvio Berlusconi - Italy Prime Minister resigned
5. Georgios A. Papandreou - Greece Prime Minister
6. Christine Madeleine Odette Lagarde - IMF MD
7. Mario Draghi - EU Central Bank President
8. Mario Monti - new Italy Prime Minister since 16 Nov
9. Jose Manuel Barroso - EU President
10. Mervyn King - BoE Governor

The list will go on as add on new names.

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