Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Market Pulse + 13th GE

KLSE is plunging for last two days. At 1:40 pm today KLCI was downed by 24 points. This event should indicating some big things will be happening. The big boys in the market always has first hand info compare to other players in the market. The rumour that has been speculating in the market for the last one year was when is the 13th Malaysian General Election. The current Parliament will due to be dissolved in March 2013. I believe the March 8 2008 event - the blood shed of KLSE is till fresh in our mind, when BN lost 2/3 majority for Parliament seats.

Practically, PM has left with only 6 months to decide when to call for 13th GE. Lets analyze by two phases. 1st phase will be Sep to Dec 2012 and 2nd will be Jan to Mar 2013. If i were PM i will choose 1st phase. why? should anything happen in between, the GE still can be deferred. So to me  2nd phase is out as it is too risky to plan.    

Phase 1 which month? i really think it will happen in end Oct or early Nov (coincide with national school holiday). It should not be done in Dec as it will be heavy monsoon rain session. The feel good factor just after end Sep budget 2013 announcement will be fresh and at its peak. So sit tight and watch.

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